T is for Turtle

This week, I started a new lesson with BirBir. We are still on the letter T, so I decided to do a turtle theme.
The word “turtle” was a new word for BirBir, so she was having a hard time saying it first. But she quickly learned how to say it and now she even recognizes it when she sees the word in print!
She has seen turtles many times either at the zoo or at the pet shop.
The following are all the activities and crafts we did during the turtle theme:
I introduced the theme with pictures I found on the Internet. BirBir always loves this part! Videos are even better!

Coloring pictures of turtles

After printing, coloring, and lamenting these turtles, I gave them to her to place on the matching color.

Hungry turtles! This I colored and lamented as well. Good for tracing and fine motor.

I colored and lamented these little guys too. Then, I would give BirBir a number and we would count them together. She is still working on numbers and counting.

Making cute, little turtles from bottle caps

Paper plate turtle

Turtle using an old CD

I colored and lamented this as well. We used our bottle caps with letters on them to spell out turtle

Glued the letter T on the turtle’ shell. I printed and colored these for her. I wanted her to see both upper case and lower case